Cute dog made from rice is taking a bath in a plate of potato soup. 小狗在洗澡,洗的是咖喱澡^^咖喱土豆和米饭也能做的这么有创意!
For two newborn siblings taking a bath, that's exactly what they needed at the time. 对这两个刚出生的双胞胎来说,他们洗澡时最需要的就是这样一个拥抱。
Have a pre-sleep routine like taking a bath or shower, or reading. 养成良好的睡前习惯,比如泡澡、淋浴或看书。
And I feel like taking a bath to fresh up after the international flight. 经过跨洋飞行以后,我很想洗个澡来恢复一下精神。
If you're not near the coast or a lake, try taking a bath. 如果你离海岸或者湖泊很远的话,那就洗个澡吧。
You can also pay him back by sending a new toy or taking a bath together with him. 你也可以通过用一个新的玩具或一起洗澡而回应他。
I will avoid taking a bath whenever possible and conserve more water. 我要尽可能避免洗澡,节省水资源。
When I came back, I didn't turn on the computer first instead of taking a bath. 当我回到家后,我并没有立刻打开电脑,而是先冲个了凉。
When he returned to the room after taking a bath, she was already in bed. 鸿渐洗澡回室,柔嘉已经躺下。
I'm a dog, I like taking a bath! 我是一只狗,我喜欢洗澡!
Therefore should increase the taking a bath number of times. 所以应增加洗澡次数。
"Though he didn't want to, the child had to give in to taking a bath." “虽然这小孩不愿意,他仍必须让步洗了个澡。”
Everyday activities, such as eating dinner or taking a bath, provide opportunities to talk, sometimes in detail, about what's happening and respond to your child. 日常活动(如吃饭或洗澡)要提供与孩子交谈的机会,有时细致一些,关于发生的事情以及对你的孩子做出的回应。
During the Victorian Age of the late 19th century, taking a bath on Saturday night became common. 回9世纪晚期的维多利亚时代,在星期六晚上洗澡开始很普遍了。
He'll drum on your head if you're eating, sleeping or taking a bath. 不管你在吃东西、睡觉或洗澡,他都会在你脑袋上敲。
After the long trip they all wanted to freshen up by taking a bath. 在长途旅行之后,他们都想洗个澡来提提神。
For example, some activities that can be done together are brushing one's teeth, taking a bath, and reading. 比方说和孩子一起刷牙,洗澡,看书等,可培养亲子间的亲密关系喔!
He wished he were taking a bath. 他但愿他是在洗澡。
What is the seal doing? He's taking a bath with Mickey. 海豹在做什么?它正在和米奇洗澡。
Drinking one ( 1) glass of water after taking a bath helps lower blood pressure. 洗完澡后喝一(1)杯水有助于降低血压。
At the moment you called, I was taking a bath. 在你打电话来的那个时候,我正在洗澡。
No, they aren't. They are taking a bath. 不,它们不是。它们正在洗澡。
Oh, I was taking a bath then. 哦,当时我正在洗澡。
Besides, taking a bath or reading before sleep can loosen your body and mind and making you have a good sleep. 除此之外,睡前泡个澡或读读书,能放松身心,让你睡个好觉。
I'm taking a bath in my bathtub! 我在我的浴缸里面洗澡!
Taking a bath clears the mind and takes you away from reality for a while. 这样他们可以梳理一下自己的思想,并远离一会儿现实生活。
When He forgives that sin, it's like taking a bath on the inside. 当耶稣原谅你的罪,就好像你的里面洗了一个澡。
The peculiar aroma is conducive to relaxing and pacifying, creating a fragrant atmosphere for taking a bath. 特有芳香气息有助于放松心情、松驰安抚情绪,营造沐浴芬芳氛围。
Back home from nature, Taking a bath, having a cup of coffee and listening a song. 凯旋后的喜悦,冲一个热水澡,一杯咖啡,一首歌。